I like Jennifer Aniston. A lot. She was terrific in "Friends," she's made a list of lousy rom-coms more palatable and she's proceeded mostly with class and dignity in the face of her crumbled marriage.
A gay icon? Worthy of being in the same breath with
Liza Minnelli or
Liz Taylor? Really?
She's getting the Vanguard Award next week from the
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) or, as friends of mine used to refer to them, Gays and Lesbians Addicted to Accuracy in Diversions. It's something they give to important straight allies of the GLBT cause.
Huh? The press releases sayeth:
"Jennifer Aniston is, without a doubt, one of the most charismatic, talented, and celebrated actresses in the world today. It is all the more refreshing then, that she hasn't shied away from roles that playfully or dramatically explore the boundaries of human sexuality and relationships. For ten seasons, Jennifer Aniston played Rachel Green on Friends, a show that included, from its very first season, a portrayal of a lesbian family. In addition to her role on Friends, Aniston starred in The Object of My Affection with Paul Rudd, again telling a story of an alternative family. With her gay-friendly roles in other projects, such as the film Rockstar, the FX drama Dirt, and a music video for Melissa Etheridge, Jennifer Aniston has proven herself a strong ally of the LGBT community."
Wow. Doesn't take much anymore, does it? Get cast as a no-name in a well-written TV show, appear in a Melissa Etheridge video and stunt-cast on your BFF's uneven dramedy and you too can be Queen For A Day of Queerville. Oh, and be available to come to our awards ceremony.

What's odder still about all this is that it's her ex-husband, Brad Pitt, who has done something truly revolutionary as straight celebs go:

He refuses to get married until gays can. A superstar male actor in the prime of his career forsaking locking in Angelina for life, or however long the straights think marriage ought to last these days. Now, given, Angelina is forcing his hand. So, then, give the Vanguard thingie to her. That is, if she's
not too busy trick-or-treating for orphans.That would be an interesting stance, Angie: Don't adopt from countries who refuse to allow gays and lesbians to adopt from there. But, seeing how that would eliminate Africa, most of Asia and Central America, that might unduly handicap you in your quest to outdo Mia Farrow, hmm?