Friday, September 4, 2009

Vegas Friday Foto Fun

[Update: A commenter noted that the KYK4FSH plate could be related to this fishing group. Totally possible!]

I don't have much time -- still laboring to get back on track after the benefit -- but I've had these images sitting on my desktop waiting for their blog moments. When better than a Friday of a holiday weekend?

First of all, someone needs to tell Google Maps...

...that the Boardwalk Hotel is no more. Isn't it odd what they have on the map and what they don't? Miracle Mile Shops is there but P-Ho isn't? Boardwalk is there but that gateway to CityCenter, Monte Carlo is MIA? Was the Boardwalk ever the most significant landmark in that area of the Strip?

Next, here is yet another reason... love Holly Madison.

I had to be at the Hard Rock one Sunday recently when Rehab, the original Sunday pool party, was going on. Beyond how impressed I was by the crowds...

...I was also amused by the display case.

And as if the implants weren't enough, they have these T-shirts:

It made me wonder. Other than the sexual connotation of "I rubbed one out," I can't think of any other connotation. Am I missing something or is this simply a single entendre? Why not just write, "I spunked in the pool at Rehab" or something? Same thing, no?

I was stuck at a light up on the north end of the Strip the other day and wondered as I stared at this billboard...

...whether Arthur Weiner gets many calls these days.

And, finally, a little license plate fun. Or something. Is this...

...not offensive to Jews? What does it mean, anyway? My instinct is that's code for "Jew for Jesus," but I'm a little surprised the Nevada DMV would OK the use of a slur on a license plate.


Anonymous said...

Want to see what NY's DMV allowed on a license plate?


Anonymous said...

I thought the plate was about fertility. Ky -gelly +k4 is an embryo count and fsh is a hormone that surges when you ovulate. but I have fertility on the brain, what does it meen?

Anonymous said...

Steve Steve Steve

Kayak Fishing !!!!

Megan Edwards said...

These are great, Steve! Thanks for posting!

Unknown said...

I read that as "kayak for fish". That doesn't make too much sense now I think about it, being in Nevada and not the pleasant coast of BC.

Michael said...

Only time I can think of Boardwalk as the most significant on that side, was prior to construction of NYNY. Which meant no Monte Carlo either, all the way up to Dunes which Bellagio replaced. But a fairly long stretch of nothing from Excal and TI down on that side.

Troy in Las Vegas said...

I rubbed the boob so hard the implant came out.