It's certainly not a reason to vote for someone for president, but I was delighted that Sen. Hillary Clinton shined the national spotlight for a split-second on Lindo Michoacan, the unusual and muy authentic Mexican restaurant owned by a Mexican family who are real community leaders. The place is so good that after it burned to the ground in 2002 and reopened in 2004, the lines out the door were stunning.
So here are some pix. There's the candidate arriving...

Then she sat down to have a, cough, casual chat with a group of Hispanic locals about the foreclosure crisis. There was something odd but charming about seeing her actually chowing down while she listened to the sob stories.

I'm always amused by the looks of the people I see, like the lady with the cherry cotton candy hair and the cute kids.

This kid was a local Las Vegas 10-year-old who has been covering the campaign for some CNN and Scholastic News youth journalism program.

You ever look around and see someone so familiar that at first you think you know them? That's how I felt when I caught sight of the once (and future?) First Daughter...

Obviously, there was plenty of security...

And some West Wing fans...

But the most remarkable thing was that even as this campaign event was happening, a third of the restaurant was open and serving and this woman was rolling dough for tortillas even as Hillary occupied the rest of the room.

And this is one reason I love this place. This is NOT something you think of when you think of Mexican food, is it? Mmm!

More info about Lindo is
here. Tomorrow, I've got to cover Barack Obama at a union hall. Tis the season! Only 8 days until the most important day in Nevada political history, the first-in-the-West presidential caucus.
Diego at Mgm Grand has better mexican food...but lindo is alright...
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