As promised, here are some of the more interesting photos shot during my walk-about of the M Resort with the Olds, as documented in my Las Vegas Weekly column this week. That's them in that overly sunny shot at breakfast at the Red Cup Cafe.
First off, let's officially kick off a Blue Tape Watch on the M. Just as Palazzo left that piece of tape on a dome window for many months much to the delight of we bloggers, there's still lots of it all over the M. See?

I have to believe that will be gone soon enough since those were doors to the pool area and are fairly obvious. But we shall see!
Evidently, a week on there were still some problems with various fixtures...

...and I can't even begin to imagine how the room number was torn off here but wow.

I won't bother you with interior shots of the main areas because both Dave McKee at Stiffs & Georges and Hunter Hillegas at RateVegas.Com provided lots of that.
However, as documented in the column, Terry and I went to the 15th floor and managed to talk our way into checking out one of the end-unit "flat" suites, of which this is the floor plan (click on image to enlarge to readable size):

So here's the bed...

...and living room space...

...and my personal favorite, the tub-with-a-view...

That speck you see in the offing is the Strip, which is really sort of hard to see and not nearly as impressive in terms of vistas as the M has advertised. It reminds me of the time I took my mom to see Bette Midler at the MGM Grand Garden and we sat in the nosebleed seats. We knew we could see little Bette, but barely and it was quite unsatisfying. Here's a zoomed-in-view of the Strip or, perhaps, what you'd see if you brought binoculars:

The southerly view is even more bleak than the Strip view...

...but I was fascinated by this pyramid tent thing across the street from M that Terry says is somebody's home. Paging the Sun's Brendan Buhler. Find out who this guy is! Stat! (And apologies if someone already has in the media; I've not seen it but would love to read about it.)

Speaking of media, it was nice to see SOMEONE still offers the local newspaper to hotel guests in this town.

Terry insightfully wondered to me why the M didn't tile the top of its southerly-facing porte-cochere with solar panels, and it's a good question, right?

And, finally, someone's bill was sticking out from under their door so I couldn't help myself. That (below) says $50 plus tax for a stay on the first Friday night the place was open. That's a pretty good deal.

Oh, don't look at me like that. You know you would've, too. Or that you're glad I did.