Friday, June 25, 2010
The Strip Is LIVE Sat at **4 PM PT**
Emily and I will record The Petcast from 5-6 p.m. PT. Join us in chat for both!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Phil Laak, 336 Hours Later

Here's an edited (for comprehensibility) version:
confidence - mega high
love for all of mankind - mega high
poker game - improved greatly
empathy levels - higher than ever
patience - off the charts
ability to hold many floating thoughts together in suspension - higher
ability to play backgammon has improved
it is truly amazing. i have been DESTROYING them in cards since the enduro challenge. here's my racquetball scores against a guy i never got more than 7 or 8 points:
15 - 11 him
15 - 13 him
15 - 12 me!!!
i beat him, and before i beat him, i told him that this was the game where it would all change.
i now officially have DTP -- defocused temporal perception. i can see 2 to 4 seconds into the future. Half-kidding here, but it seems true to me. i feel like kung fu. i walk with excellent posture effortlessly.
i am hungry for everything now. At the gym, i don't want to stop. i schedule for 24 mins on Stairmaster, i go 40. i am a cyborg of unlimited potential and more human than ever before. it is great.
This week i saw the new karate kid. had i seen this movie a month ago, i might have slightly teared up at the appropriate moment. now, the newly improved, sensitive-yet-strong phil teared up and cried over 4 times!!!
if i were a shrink and had a depressed patient, i would heavily encourage him to stay awake for 5 days. nothing else i have ever done in my life comes close to what i have been living and feeling over the past two weeks. i submit to the universe.
i will the effects from this enduro experience to stay with me till i die. it would be the greatest gift the universe could hand me next to immortality, but i have more or less given up on that which is a shame as i think i would get great value out of it.
anyway buddy, stay well, cheers and do yourself a favor. Stay awake somehow for 5 days. it is magic. truly magic!
Cuckoo! But funny cuckoo, no?
The Show is UP: Donny Osmond
June 21: Donny Osmond's Return
It’s been three long, productive years for Donny Osmond since last he joined us on this program. His first public hint that a Vegas deal was brewing was on that 2007 episode, and now he and sister Marie are major Strip headliners who have both also appeared on Dancing With The Stars. Donny, of course, won the ABC reality show last year, and he talks this hour about that triumph. He also talks about how he knew to buy the domain name way back in the 1980s and he and Steve touch on some current news of the day including the deaths of Marie’s son and Gary Coleman as well as his concern over Justin Bieber’s Donny Osmond-like popularity. Plus, someone famous once told him in the 1980s to change his name if he wanted to resume a show biz career. Find out who.
In Banter: MGM Mirage is now MGM Whatchamacallit, Louie Anderson traded the Excalibur for Palace Station, Rick Moonen got robbed, Vegas The Mall opens and Resort Fee Cancer spreads to Wynn and the Trop.
Links to stuff discussed:
Donny Osmond’s website, Donny.Com
Tickets for the Donny & Marie show at the Flamingo
Louie Anderson goes to Palace Station
Moonen and Samuelson doing charity dinner
EatingLV.Com on Fleur de Lys becoming a tapas bar
Fox 5 on ESPN Zone closing in Vegas
Las Vegas Sun on the Walgreens coming across the street from CityCenter
The R-J on Wynn laying off 261 people and giving 4,000 others a 40-hr work week
VegasTripping.Com on the resort fees now at Wynn
The AP on MGM Mirage becoming MGM Whatchamacallit
VegasHappensHere.Com on Vegas! The Mall opens on Moscow
Our 2007 episode with Donny Osmond
The KNPR Paul Rodriguez interview criticized for failing to follow up on his anti-Trop remarks
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Vegas Sunday Sillies
Miles' sister sent this card, which gave me a chuckle... did this Bizarro cartoon from a few weeks ago.

See, the balloon dog pooped balloon turds and that's funny, get it?
Those wacky folks at The View section of the R-J are back with more weird, dissonant art to go with their articles. See, it's a piece on how real bones are dangerous for dogs and the suggestion is do give them smaller treats so, naturally...

...the photo they select shows a dog chewing a plastic bone. Nowhere in the piece is that alternative suggested -- perhaps because chewing a plastic bone really doesn't do anything to improve dental health -- and the caption under the photo is irrelevant to the photo shown. Click on the image above to see it better.
Meanwhile, over in the sports pages, imagine my thrilling surprise when I saw that the New York Mets are on a 524-game winning streak!

OK, OK. I get that it's a five-game winning streak, but someone over there in the Review-Journal sports section needs to realign this grid. Pittsburgh Pirates fans are suffering enough without momentarily thinking their team has lost 914 games in a row, y'know?
I was in Boise last week, as I Tweeted, getting my state capital fix. The Idaho Capitol was closed for construction and renovation last time I was there, so I got a new money shot of me with the building since this was a more proper visit:
Oh, wait. That's the most obscure, weird artifact I've seen in a state exhibit anywhere. Look! It's the ex-first lady's fake diamond belt! Woo hoo!
Here's the real shot:
Meanwhile, even in Boise I couldn't quite shake the Vegas media. I mean, Jane Ann Morrison even has a road named for her!

I needed to book a room in Boise for my first night, and this one hotel site wanted me to "sumbit." Dunno what that means, but it sounds slightly naughty or crude.

As for the next image, I've asked this before, but it's worth repeating: WHY in this day and age do we have to wade through these state-name menus AND the ZIP code?

Why is the ZIP code good enough for Google but not for these archaic web forms?
And finally, Strip guest host Amy Turner wanted to know if...
...Wayne Brady's fly is open in this Leila Navidi photo from a June 14 report by John Katsilometes in the Las Vegas Sun. Click on it to enlarge and take a good look. It sure is dicey.