I have no idea what it means to relocate six choppers. But what perked my ears up was "the Criss Angel Liquidity Bar." Did they rename this belly-up bar? So far as I can tell from the website, no. I also called the number but nobody answered the bar's phone. When I called the hotel operator, it went like this:
Me: Hi, I have a question. Did they rename Liquidity for Criss Angel?
Lady: Did they what?
Me: Rename the bar as Criss Angel Liquidity Bar?
Lady: Well, I know we have the Criss Angel Believe show.
Me: Yeah, I know that. But what about the bar?
Lady: I can transfer you there, but they didn't tell us anything about that. Do you want to be transferred?
Me: They don't answer, but sure. Let's see what happens. Thanks.
Lady: Have a good evening.
That was followed by endless ringing until I hung up.
The funny thing is, I've been following Criss Angel's Tweeting carefully lately because he's doing something kind of interesting. He's got some sort of a treasure hunt for tickets going on. Apparently they're hiding some tickets in the retail shop for his show, Criss Angel Believe. He's revealing clues via Twitter. Not real sure how this works exactly -- is he asking the Loyals to come ransack the store or something? -- but it's intriguing nonetheless.
Anyhow, waiting on someone at MGM Mirage to let me know if they've rebranded the bar in his honor. Cuz, you know, the Criss Angel brand has done such wonders for Cirque du Soleil and all as you can see.

[UPDATE: MGM Mirage F&B publicity queen Andrea Brown wrote back to say: "They are NOT changing the name of Liquidity, but Criss will be making appearances every Friday and Saturday night beginning Friday, Aug. 7 at Liquidity." Oh, joy. How thrilling.]