Thursday, March 12, 2009

Popping Up Everywhere Today

The oddest thing about my work is that as often as my name is printed in bylines and as frequently as my stories are referenced on blogs and other online forums, it's still something of a thrill when someone else writes it down in print. I've become accustomed to seeing Norm Clarke pick up items from this blog or our show, but this morning I stumbled across myself twice in the morning papers in other places.

First, Jon Ralston quoted a VegasHappensHere.Com post in his daily Flashpoint item in the Sun. Then the Review-Journal's Steve Bornfeld, who writes a weekly column on TV news, suggested me along with a few others as pundits who could spice up one of the local newscasts. What an idea! If only I knew someone in a high-up place at one of the local stations...


Troy in Las Vegas said...

I have quoted you several times at