But two specific things caught my eye. First, Hoffman was in L.A. on Sunday because Gingrich was speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition fundraiser dinner at which Adelson was expected to appear to receive the Ronald Reagan (of course) Award. But he didn't show up:
First of all, eww. Secondly, ut oh. Adelson, 77, is not a well man, hasn't been for years. In my 2008 interview with him he first disclosed his leg circulatory disorder, and every time he's in public his eyes look as leaky as she described. Not to be morbid, but if I were a shareholder of Las Vegas Sands, I'd really want to know what the succession plan is. Maybe THIS is why Steve Wynn's being so nice to him.
On the other hand, Hoffman also pointed to something fascinating that shows Adelson can still, at least for now, be in the rarest of form. Last month, the man known by Jon Ralston as Gondolier Numero Uno, rang up the editor of New York's influential Jewish Week newspaper to blow his stack over some critical piece on Newt and the Jews. After he let off that steam, he provided a 30-minute interview that showed him as a careful observer of the GOP presidential sweepstakes. He likes Gingrich and Romney, thinks Tim Pawlenty could crack into the top tier but isn't there yet. And, of course, Barack Obama will destroy Israel and giggle while doing so.
But this is the part I loved:
Adelson said that contrary to some claims, Gingrich was not a hypocrite for leading the effort to impeach President Clinton at a time when, it was later learned, the congressman was having an affair with a House of Representatives staffer 23 years his junior – she is now his third wife.
“He wasn’t going after Clinton for having an affair but because he lied,” Adelson said, adding that Gingrich wasn’t president at the time.
Yeah. That's it.
Saw Sheldon in Macau last week and he was sniffling and coughing. So Miriam's description is accurate.
But I wonder what the succession plan is! Leven is a part timer. Goldstein? He just got a promotion, but he doesn't want to be in charge. I would suspect that Miriam will take over. Smart woman.
Rick: eating bagels is now considered hedonistic??? Man, you members of the Supreme Committee To Decide Who Is Jewish Enough drive an incredibly hard bargain these days! Yikes! I feel so ashamed!
P.S. Nobody is defending Clinton's actions. But beating a moralistic, family values drum as Gingrich did while privately committing adultery with a staffer while your wife is very sick is by most people's definition hypocrisy. I must have missed the part in Hebrew School where they taught us that adultery is OK if you end up marrying the mistress! Thanks for the Talmud lesson!
June 14, 2011 10:39 AM
"Intellectual heavyweight" Adelson's logic tracks as follows: Clinton's adultery/mendacity were bad because he was POTUS. Gingrich's adultery/mendacity were A-OK because he was just a congressman. Coming soon to UNLV: Situational Ethics 101, Prof. Sheldon Adelson presiding.
David McKee
Ms. Hoffman should have done better homework. Sheldon Adelson can give the same amount to Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign as Steve Friess . . . it's a federal law.
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