He must be his Big Brother's Little Brother. In anticipation of his first weekend of relative freedom when he graduated last week from Air Force boot camp at Lackland AFB, Jamie made up a list of things he wanted to eat while he was permitted. Remember, this is an 18-year-old who had just endured eight weeks of a strict military diet. But, still, it's notable that almost everything on the list contained sugar. (Click on it to see it more clearly.)
I've already shown you Jamie's reaction to a helping of Baskin Robbins at the BX and the frustration that the first Burger King we went to on the base had no burgers. Well, we remedied the BK thing...

...and a whole lot more. There was IHOP...
...and Sun Chips...

...and Shamu-shaped pretzels and funnel cakes at SeaWorld...

We made it to Rudy's, a classic San Antonio-area BBQ place that many readers suggested.
Jamie's girlfriend actually has some great shots of Jamie over a messy plate of food covered in his mother's jacket to avoid sullying his Air Force blues but has yet to share 'em with anyone. His fastitidiousness was comical; this kid never before gave a darn about getting messy!
The only rule that Jamie had to adhere to was that an Airman in uniform evidently never eats or drinks standing up. So he took a seat for some Monster...
...but I was under no particular rules at all, as you can see.

And what goes well with all those goodies? How about some video games in his mom's room at the hotel!
As you can see, Jamie looks good and dignified at every turn. Not like SOME people.
Funny. Fingernails weren't on Jamie's list.
Great stuff Steve! But can you turn the commercials off? Its distracting as one is trying to read. Congrats to the new military man! Looking good soldier!
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