Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Elaine Wynn Has Obamamania!

I just got it on excellent authority that the Vogue-proclaimed First Lady of Vegas, Elaine Wynn, changed her party affiliation to Democratic recently and plans to caucus at the at-large precinct held inside the Wynn Las Vegas Resort on Saturday. That should be fun to watch, assuming that the courts decide tomorrow that the at-large precincts stand! In this case, the Wynns live there so it really is their home precinct. Obama said he met Elaine after Mrs. Wynn bonded with Obama's wife, Michelle.

Also, Mrs. Wynn, decked in a hot red dress, hosted a $1,000-a-head fundraiser in the Wynns' villa residence at the resort at about 10 pm Tuesday after the dullsville MSNBC debate and a post-debate rally. There were about 35 Nevada movers-and-shakers, including R&R Partners chief Billy Vassiliadis, developer Harvey Whittemore and lawyer Jim Jimmerson as well as State Sen. Steven Horsford and State Assemblyman Kelvin Atkinson.

Steve Wynn -- and his ubiquitous dogs -- were nowhere to be found. Wynn himself remains a Republican.

Also, Obama entered the private VIP entrance and didn't go anywhere near the casino. Of course. Because casinos are candidate Kryptonite. Look for my Las Vegas Weekly column on that tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

elaine wynn