Yesterday, my "Petcast" co-host Emily Richmond and I recorded out 100th episode. She surprised me by blindfolding me and bringing into the LVRocks.Com studio a special guest, a woman who raises ducks as pets. One was placed in my hands and I came close to figuring out what it was -- I said a baby chick -- and then we had our interview with the duck lady.
Nobody told me that ducks have a tendency to poop a lot. And one laid a nice pile right upon my keyboard. We wiped it up, thought all was fine. Then I was off to the cafe to write and the "c" and "x" were not producing c's and x's.
The c and x, it so happens, are really important. Without them, you can't CUT or COPY anything. They also make writing a 2,000-word piece on a guy named RiChardson from New MeXico a bit of a challenge. But I did so, copying the needed letters using the drop-down menu and pasting them using the CTRL-V function however many times I needed to.
Then it was off to Genius Bar at the Fashion Show Mall's Apple Store, where I opted not to inform my genius that I had damaged my computer by having a duck poop on it while podcasting.
"It seems there's some build up under here," he said cheerfully.
"Wow, what do ya know?" I answered.
The keys couldn't be replaced so the whole keyboard must be. Fortunately, it's under warranty. It'll take a few days, and I'll have a new computer. But until then I'm stuck using our old iBook G4, which I not-terribly-affectionately refer to as our Fisher Price computer.
Oh well. The show, which'll be online in a week or two, was fun. And the ducks were really cute, too. See?
Be glad it wasn't parrot poop. That's serious stuff.
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